I am hoping everything goes okay with the cardiology appointment next week, so we can have some income coming in to the household. We had to decide whether to buy food or pay the electric bill. Of course we bought some food and diapers so we can keep the kiddos healthy. It sucks to lose an income that large. If Justin doesn’t get cleared to go back to work I may have to quit school and find a full time job. Or try and juggle all of it. It is difficult to work, go to school and find time for your family. I hated it, but I had to do it the first two years I was taking classes. Everything was going great this year, so I got done work; which wasn’t worth it in the end anyways. Babysitters are expensive. So I’m keeping my fingers crossed that Justin will be released to work soon and we can resume our normal lives.
So, we were riding in the car today and that old lady McDonalds sweet tea commercial came on. Riley says, "Does BFF mean best friend forever?" I said, "Yes" He says, "Then you’re my BFF!" I felt special for a minute until he started naming off everyone else and their brother that was his BFF. Way to ruin a good moment Riley! bahaha He says, “Your my BFF, Natelee's my BFF, Justin's my BFF, Daddy's my BFF, Nana's my BFF, Mema's my BFF, Pappy's my BFF, Bampy's my BFF, Cheryl's my BFF, Nykson and Ethan are my BFF's, Josh is my BFF, Hunter, Mason, Emmah and McKenna are my BFF, that guy that gave me 5 bucks is my BFF!” I heard this for about 10 minutes straight. God, I love him!
Two, because before publishing this in my blog, I feel the need to write it on paper first to see how it's going to look and sound. So when I got to publishing it, I had accumulated two. :)
ReplyDeleteI've got two horses who are inseparable and cry like babies if they are out of each other's sight for even a second. Of course, we call them the BFFs, and, believe me, they don't ruin the special moment with each other the way Riley did. When they leave their stalls and are first out in pasture, they get side-by-side, about a foot apart and then both squat simultaneously to pee together. Cute, you wouldn't believe.